Tuesday 4 May 2021

Climate Change - Make or Break Year

 As we look forward to COP26 there are some climate upsides to applaud but plenty of risks and much hard work ahead of us. On the upside China has committed to be net zero by 2060 (who would have thought that only a couple of years ago?); the USA is back in the Paris Agreement fold; and, perhaps bizarrely, the pandemic has shown us that major societal change can happen rapidly if the motivation is there. 

But in those final few words of my last sentence lies the rub - is the motivation there? To meet net zero by 2050 means that we must cut emissions by 45% by 2030. And what are we on course for at the moment? Just 0.5%. Furthermore, the low hanging technological fruit have been plucked. 

Now is the time for action on all fronts. Politicians need to step up to the plate (no more daft "biggest ever" road building programmes); technologists need to tackle those hard-to-change industries; and everyone needs to change their mindset. Why does that last one seem so hard to achieve? The headlines are easy: Fly Less; Drive Less; Eat Less Meat; Insulate You Home. But is the motivation there? One would hope so - our children's and grandchildren's welfare depends upon it.

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