Tuesday 15 December 2015

How Will HMG Square The Climate Change Circle?

It is already being accused of blatant hypocrisy so how will HMG match its trumpeting of the "triumph" of the Paris deal with its own energy policy? I'd suggest, on current evidence, only with great difficulty and a rapid U-turn. In recent months the government has scrapped subsidies for on-shore wind-farms, suggested slashing solar FiTs, shelved the CCS demonstration fund, dumped the Green Deal (actually, no great loss that - it was never going to work - but the message still isn't a good one), killed the proposed electric car incentive scheme and may even sell off the Green Investment Bank. OK, so Amber Rudd has announced eventual closure of the country's coal fired power plant - but she has also stated that she wishes to see much of that fleet replaced by gas fired generators. Now that may lower the UK's CO2 emissions but by nowhere near enough to fulfill our Paris commitments. And it certainly fits rather poorly with Rudd's blather about managing security of supply. Really? With, perhaps 80% of the required gas having to be imported - and increasingly so from some of the less stable parts of the globe? Sorry, I don't see much squaring of that circle just yet.

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