Thursday 15 July 2021

UK Off-Track to Deliver Net-Zero

 Actually we knew this already, didn't we? However, here's another report detailing the government's inadequacies in its approach to climate change. It's perhaps all the more damning coming from a major utility. As ever, the elephant in the room is low-carbon heating and building quality. Well, there's a surprise!

Kelp - An Interesting Sussex Project

 Two councils in West Sussex have applied for permission to develop a kelp forest between Shoreham and Selsey Bill. They claim that this will lead to increases in biodiversity and also sequester a certain amount of CO2. It's an interesting project and worth a go in my book.

Surplus Food Distribution Up - Good News or Bad News?

 WRAP has reported a 45% year-on-year increase in food redistribution last year. Good news you might think, and so it is in one respect. There is an urgent need to cut food waste. But how sad that there is a need for such huge amounts to go through food banks and, indeed, that the surplus is so great in the first place.

Feeble, Feeble, Feeble

 As one might expect from Boris Johnson's government, it is rolling back on, and creating loopholes in, the Environment Bill. What is it that Conservatives (what a misnomer!) don't understand about conservation and sustainability? 

Training to Tackle Litter?????

 Things have come to a sorry pass if people have to be trained to tackle litter!